


Hans Böckler school
Community school with elementary and secondary school
Moose walk 1-3

24537 Neumünster


The Hans Böckler School is a public school, the service of a regional authority, the school is the city of Neumünster. It is legally represented by the headmaster Dieter Surm.

Responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV: Mr. Petersen


Web layout: Mr. Schön


With judgment from 12.5.1998 - AZ 312 0 85/98 the regional court Hamburg decided that a website operator has to take responsibility for the contents of these linked sides through the use of linking links. This can, according to the LG Hamburg, be prevented only by expressly distancing oneself from these contents.

Since our school has no influence on the design and content of the linked pages, we hereby expressly distance ourselves from these pages and contents. This declaration applies to all links on our homepage and to all contents of the pages to which links lead.
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